The Pits of the Civil War and the Francoist dictatorship.

Workshop poster

The professor of the Contemporary History Section of the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Barcelona, and researcher of the Josep Termes Chair, Dr Queralt Solé, coordinates the Conference “The pits of the Civil War and the Francoist dictatorship. Current challenges”.

On October 19, the workshop, The pits of the Civil War and the Franco dictatorship. Current challenges, will be held in the Jane Addams Room of the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Barcelona (Montalegre, 6-8). The event was coordinated by the Josep Termes researcher, Dr. Queralt Solé, with the support of the Direcció General de Memòria Democràtica de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

During a whole day, academic experts from different disciplines, and technicians from the General Directorate of Democratic Memory and journalists will reflect on four main lines of debate: “Past. Evolution of knowledge about pits and the interventions carried out. Research work, exhumations and dissemination, from 1999 to the present”; “Present: tools for work and dissemination: the fund of pits of the Civil War and the Franco Dictatorship in the Bank of Memory”; “Future (I): a look towards the future of actions in pits: what needs to be done, what needs to be investigated”; “Future (II): how knowledge should be disseminated and what social return it has”.

The Conference will be inaugurated by the dean of the Faculty of Geography and History, Dr. Ricardo Piqueras, and the closing will be responsible by Professor Queralt Solé and the Director General of Democratic Memory, Mr. Alfonso Aragoneses.


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