Dr. Pau Guinart joins GRENPoC of the UB Josep Termes Chair


Dr. Pau Guinart has been studying and teaching abroad for more than a decade. He now teaches at ESADE and joins GRENPoC, the research subgroup within GREPIIC, hosted by the Chair.

Pau Guinart (L'Escala, 1983), graduated in philosophy and history from the University of Girona, and holds a doctorate in cultural studies from Stanford University, in the USA. He has also obtained master's degrees in management sciences at ESADE, in literature at Stanford, in cinema at the New York Film Academy, and in Greek tragedy at the University of Exeter. He has worked at the Sundande Institute and Universal Studios, and has taught at Stanford and ESADE, where he continues to be academically linked and doing research. He is a disciple of Joan Ramon Resina and Xavier Rubert de Ventós, who recently passed away.

His current interests have to do with storytelling and geopolitics, subjects he currently teaches at ESADE's Department of Society, Politics, and Sustainability (Ramon Llull University). He is the author of several audiovisual works and has published five books: Dos en un burro. Per Catalunya en carro (Brau, 2006), Fragmentari de Nova York. Dietari d’un empordanès als EUA, (Bestruç, 2008) Fragmentari de Nova York 2010 (Brau, 2010), La voluntat clàssica de Catalunya. El paper del jaciment arqueològic d’Empúries en la construcció del Nacionalisme Català (Brau, 2014) Dalí-Nietzsche. Teoria i pràctica de la superació humana (Reremús, 2022). He has also collaborated in several academic journals and newspapers.

Personal Web: www.pauguinart.com

Tweeter: @Pauguinart

Limkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pau-guinart-67911439

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