Update the Network of Concerned Historians Reports

Antoon De Baets: Chair of History, Ethics and Human Rights at the University of Groningen – the Netherland.

Antoon De Baets and Ruben Zeeman, chairs of the Network of Concerned Historians, sent a circular to 3599 historians and others interested in the past across the globe.

I. The Annual Report 2021 of the Network of Concerned Historians (NCH) is now available (pdf; 167 pp.): http://www.concernedhistorians.org/ar/21.pdf.

This is the 27th NCH Annual Report. It contains news about the domain where history and human rights intersect in 106 countries, especially about the censorship of history and the persecution of historians, archivists, and archaeologists around the globe, as reported by various human rights organizations and other sources. It mainly covers events and developments of 2020 and 2021. The fact that NCH presents this news does not imply that it shares the views and beliefs of the historians and others mentioned in it.

II. The complete set of NCH Annual Reports 1995–2021 is available (pdf; 2084 pp.): http://www.concernedhistorians.org/ar/compilation95-21.pdf.

III. Please check out also: Provisional Memorial for History Producers Killed for Political Reasons (From Ancient Times to the Present) (pdf; 14 pp.): http://www.concernedhistorians.org/va/memorialpage.pdf.

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